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Director of Finance

Carrie Wetzel is the Director of Finance and the chief financial advisor to the CEO of First Rate. As an Aggie of Texas A&M University, she earned a superior foundation for accounting and business knowledge that led to the passing of the CPA exam and qualification in both Virginia and Missouri. She began her career as an auditor with Ernst & Young, where she grew in both the tax and accounting compliance fields. Auditing provided her a firm grasp of GAAP, financial statement analysis, and the team player mentality. Carrie notes that her time at Smith NMTC & Associate was one of her greatest achievements in her professional career. Learning the New Markets Tax Credit industry was both a welcome challenge and exciting step. She mastered the federal compliance and accounting regulations in over 23 transactions and assisted and trained 82 non-for-profits CFOs and accounting professionals on NMTC bookkeeping and financial statement preparation. She also assisted in filing 14 leverage lender tax returns. Carrie brings leadership and over 15 years of financial expertise to First Rate.

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